Hackers Find the "Big Hole" in iPhone

A hacker revealed a security flaw which he said could make iPhone vulnerable to scams via SMS.

Defect (bug) has been around since the iPhone was first launched in 2007, and still has not been resolved in iOS6 beta, the latest operating system for the iPhone, the hacker who uses the name "Pod2g" in a blog post.

Based on the protocol handling exchange short messages / SMS between mobile phones, sending a message to technically change the phone number reply address to be something different from the original number, Pod2g said.

In the application, whether the recipient will see the original phone number and number of answers, according to Xinhua.

However, the use of the iPhone's SMS feature, when the recipients view the messages you send, the message looks like it came from the official phone number, while the original sender's phone number hidden.

Gap means that a person can send iPhone users by pretending to come from the receiving bank or other source you trust, and ask for personal information or deceiving them to go to a site that is designed to obtain user information.

Pod2g called security flaw was "severe" and urged Apple to fix it before the release of the final version iOS6.

"Now you've been told. Never believe any SMS that you receive in your iPhone at first glance," Pod2g wrote on his blog post.

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