Keep Track of your Pet with GPS Pet Tracking

By Linda Cain

There are two parts to the GPS Pet Tracking devices: a GPS receiver and a GSM modem. GPS is an acronym for Global Positioning System. GSM is an acronym for Global System for Mobile communication. GPS pet tracking is used for determining where you are while out hiking or in your car. It is also used for locating cats and dogs that get lost. GPS pet tracking is the most reliable pet tracking available, but it is also the most expensive. If you have a dog or cat that is an escape artist, you might want to consider a GPS pet tracking device.

GPS is a satellite based positioning system that consists of a network of 24 satellites all orbiting the earth. These GPS satellites broadcast signals from space; these signals are picked up by GPS receivers. GPS provides accurate location and time information for an unlimited number of people no matter where they are or what time of day it is. Transportation systems require GPS to provide navigation for aviation, ground, and maritime operations. GPS is an essential component of the Global Information Infrastructure, with applications ranging from mapping and surveying to international air traffic management and global change research.

Space, Control and User are the three segments of a GPS system.

The Space Segment is made up of the 24 satellites in 6 orbits. These satellites are positioned in space so that there is always a minimum of 6 satellites in view at any given time anywhere in the world. These 24 satellites continuously broadcast time and position to GPS users all over the world.

The Control Segment consists of 3 segments: a master control station in Colorado Springs, 3 ground antennas, and 5 monitor stations. The monitor stations track the GPS satellites that are in view collecting data. They send that data back to the master control station. That data is then re-formatted and resent back to each of the satellites.

The User Segment is made up of the receivers that allow operators everywhere to receive the GPS broadcasts to computer their precise position.

There are several models of GPS pet tracking devices. Most of them come with monthly fees, along with their high initial cost. RoamEO is currently the only GPS pet tracking system that has a one time cost and no monthly fees. Zoombak, PetSafe GPS Locator, and Global Pet Finder all require monthly fees.

You can use RoamEO to easily create a virtual fence anywhere you need it. You set it up just by simply walking the perimeter of your fence line, and then it commits the coordinates to memory. Your pet would have to wear a special collar. Then you would always know where your pet is. RoamEO's pet tracking device can pinpoint your pet's location and show you where he's headed. RoamEO is designed to constantly track your pet, whether he is inside or outside the perimeter of your established GPS Fence. You can track up to 3 pets at one time.

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