Effective Tips On Bulldog Training

Bulldogs are one of the most preferred pets in the world. Most people like bulldogs because of their great personalities. However, when it comes to bulldog training a person who is not psychologically prepared may experience problems or get frustrated.

Bulldogs are tenacious and may at times be unwilling to do some things. This makes it hard to order the dog around. Knowledge of this characteristic is important to an owner. The trainer should be prepared and ready to cope with the dog. The process of training a bulldog may be hard but the end justifies the whole process.

A bulldog just like any other dog can be taught basic commands such as to sit, stay and lie. These are the results that a pet owner will get after training the dog. This can be achieved by using commands and hand signals.

One of the best and most recommended ways of training the bulldog is through the use of motivators. The dog should be given a treat only after obeying a command. The motivator is usually food and the dog should be given small pieces.

Most people recommend the use of a clicker to teach a bulldog to follow directions better and to understand things. The clicker works almost the same way as a motivator but it is clicked before the dog is given a treat. After sometime the bulldog will associate the sound with a reward.

The use of both gestures and words is important in training. By using both on a particular command, the dog will be able to learn at a faster rate. The trick in this case is to be consistent. You should not mix up or change the words and signals because it will confuse the dog and this will make the training process slower.

Age is another thing that may interfere with bulldog training. During a certain age a bulldog is known to temporarily forget. The owner should still use the same commands during that period because it will help them to start obeying again after this period. A major advantage is that the dog is intelligent and sensitive. It has a good memory and will remember what it has been taught. Its traits make it hard to train them, but a person should be patient and take time to make sure that the dog masters what it has been taught.

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