England Newspapers Publish Nude Photos of Prince Harry

Sun became the first English newspaper published nude photos of Prince Harry while on vacation in Las Vegas recently.

Sun owner News International said, they decided to do so despite warnings from the British royal family lawyer that it was a violation of privacy.

Sun said the photos were circulated around the world and their readers have a right to see it, and that it was a test case for freedom of the press. The photos are from the holiday weekend with the prince spent his friends.

Two photos of Harry and a woman naked in a hotel room is believed to be taken with a camera phone Friday at Harry's hotel room.
At first the photos were published by the U.S. entertainment news website TMZ earlier this week.

In Friday's edition, Sun wrote a story title "Heir it is", which is a play on words with the meaning of "This is the heir [throne]". Another reason that newspapers publish nude photographs because Harry has been seen on the internet.

David Dinsmore, Sun executive editor, said the paper was "much discussion" and decided to show the photos.

He added, "For us, it is about freedom of the press. This is a funny situation where a picture can be seen by hundreds of millions of people around the world on the internet, but can not be seen in this country favorite newspaper, which is read by eight million people every day. "

"This is about engaging our readers in discussions with a man who is third heir to the throne, as simple as that."
In its editorial, the daily said that these photos are an important test for the free press England.

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