Cleansing Your System with Alcohol Detoxification

If you have been drinking too much during the holidays and hate the tiredness and lack of energy you are experiencing you might want consider going on an alcohol detox.

Doing an alcohol detox means you cut out or cut down on your level of alcohol consumption for a set period of time. Generally two weeks is a good period if you have been drinking more than two or three times per week. The basic idea is for you to allow your body a bit of time and space to recover.

First up, if you have been drinking really heavily and feel physical symptoms of not drinking such as shaking etc. check it out with your doctor. If you have a physical addiction to alcohol, then you might need to wean yourself off gradually.

So, alcohol detox. First thing is to prepare. Second thing is to prepare. And the third thing? You need to decide what you want out of the two weeks and what you are going to do on each day instead of reaching for a drink or doing what you regularly do.

It will be very important to drink an ample amount of water. You should always be sure to drink water but even more so during the detox, 6-8 glasses of water per day is a good amount. Try to figure out where and when you usually drink and also why you drink. Once you have figured out why you drink you need to do something different when these circumstances occur. E.g. if you usually go out with everyone from work on a certain night, don't.

Try and put in some new activities. In particular physical exercise and dancing in particular is great. Something different. Also, meeting your friends you haven't seen for a while or new people in an environment where there isn't much alcohol is great.

If you don't have people to meet, goto and wherever you are in the world will be a group for you to go to or you can start one yourself!

So far it hasn't been that hard to plan for your detox. You may be wondering about what other obstacles you might face. Are other people 'forcing' you to drink, are you worried you might feel out of place? For the two week detox you can either attempt to avoid these situations by planning something else or figure out how you are going to deal with them now rather than when you are there and feeling under pressure.

A great idea is to put something on the wall by your bed. Make sure you put it somewhere so you can see it each morning which will remind you to have a fantastic day. You can come up with whatever has meaning for you and will get you into a good state - rather than worrying how to survive work or cope without alcohol etc.

A final idea is to reward yourself! What can you do for yourself that will cause you to look forward to it once your detox is over ? something that is not alcohol related? Then just do it! You will feel great and hopefully you will find yourself drinking less thereafter.

By Ed Philips

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